
Marxism in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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“Whoever controls the means of production in society controls the society.” (Martin) Marxism can be used to explain and inspect actions, characters, settings, and ideas in a multitude of texts. In the novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini, the Marxist views on the class system, religion, and the ownership of goods are prominent and introduce an interesting and captivating perspective to the story.
The following questions are answered within this essay through the point of view of a Marxist: Should we die without cause? Who gives a group all of the power? In the Muslim culture, how does the dominance of money and power prevail? What defines social morality? Do our religious belief give us power over others? The idea behind social ranking is that one’s values as a human are based on the class one belongs to. In the Afghan culture, there are two main classes: the Hazara and the Pashtun. Hazaras are Shiite Muslims and Pashtuns are Sunni Muslims. The Pashtuns believe that the Hazaras are lower people because they are not native to Afghanistan. Amir, the narrator of the novel, is the son of a wealthy businessman living in the city of Kabul. Amir is a Pashtun. His best friend is the son of one of his family’s servants, a young boy named Hassan. Hassan is a Hazara. Though these two characters Hosseini is able to identify the subjects of child abuse and suffering in Afghanistan. Although Amir and Hassan are raised as brothers and do everything best friends and brothers

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