
Marx's Explanation Of Class Conflict Theory

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Marx propound the power conflict known as class conflict theory. Class conflict theory first describe the defination of history and power, in history which class had been power and how to use that power to other people and what effect to other people. The people who had power, they dominate the subclass people. These senario was seen in current life. Marx believe there are two type of class, first wealthy ( those are owner of mean of production or capatalist) and second poor ( those are working class, labor). Marx said that wealthy class people or majority of people dominate minority people. The wealthy people has power and financially rich and they used that power to get political power. How can they get political power? In present day, we can see that by gaining vote to pay money for voter. Even today rich people buy political power at the cost of money. One they get political power, they make policy by changing the outline of society then what happen they get social power with this they dominate the working class people so that class conflict occur. Marx said that capitalist control mean of production. Capitalist influence the school system to impose their own thought to the other people. So that education system directly …show more content…

It also said that it most revers to develop true class consciousness that we would want to advocate for change structure of society and this is where the conflict theory social movement this finally people start snap out it and they start being together and they start to get realize as a group. They can impact of structure, they can make social change happened the women movement, civil right movement these are prime example of class consciousness that happening the occupying wall street other people think this is not good think this is another example of class

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