How would you like a ticket to a luxury hotel cruising on water. One that was bigger, faster and more powerful than the Titanic. With high living standards, including wireless, high-speed internet connection, and room service. You think that would sound like the most perfect run away from reality. Although, beneath all this luxury are the many haunted spirits that roam the place. Beware of the screams you hear at night, and enjoy the ride! All aboard the Queen Mary ship! Good morning/afternoon judges, teachers and fellow students. Today I’ll be talking about the Queen Mary ship. It’s features, history and paranormal activity. Welcome to the Queen Mary, listen closely as I will give you a quick tour of the ship. First of all, let’s get that …show more content…
With at least 49 deaths, the ship definitely has some strange things going on, that cannot be explained. The deaths that happened during the ship’s history, is linked with the many spirits that roam the area. The spirits of Captain Treasure Jones, John Pedder, Jackie continue to haunt the passengers from time to time. There were some reports that Captain Jones loved to smoke a good cigar and at times the smell of cigar smoke can still be detected. John Pedder’s scream can be heard from the door he was killed by. Jackie likes to play in the pool areas of the ship. Jackie can be heard singing and laughing. Sarah can also be heard singing with Jackie. Shadow people have been reported by people in all locations of the ship and at all hours of the day and night. Many people have photographed shadow people. There are many theories as to what shadow people are. Some believe they are possibly inter-dimensional beings slipping between our dimension and theirs. Others believe it is just another form of ghost. Whatever they are or wherever they come from, one thing is for certain. When you see one you won't forget it. Shadow people come in many shapes and sizes. People who have seen shadow people say that they seem to have a strange smokey look to them. Balls of light have also been witnessed in many areas of the ship. They are very solid in appearance, and can be seen in pitch black just cruising along in the darkness. These can not be explained well, as there is no firm evidence about it. Cabin B340 is the location of another vicious murder aboard the Queen Mary. There has been a lot of paranormal activity related to this room, and so many requests by guests for new rooms. Because of this, they have sealed off the room and removed the cabin number. They do not under any circumstances rent this room out to guests. Guests who stayed in the room were awakened in the middle of the night by the lights and
The Union Army was not the only branch of military to benefit from freed slaves and their desire to help the North. Mary Touvestre provided information that proved extremely profitable to the Union Navy. Early in the Civil War, the Union burned a shipyard in hopes to keep the Confederate forces from taking control. Because the plan to destroy the shipyard was done is haste, the Confederates were able to take control of the Merrimack, a steam-powered frigate, and begin rebuilding the vessel. While working as a housekeeper for one of the Confederate soldiers, Touvestre discovered the plans for the rebuilding of the ship. Once Mary understood the threat this would cause to the North, she risked her own safety and life to steal a set of plans for
Will you please provide me with the status on Mary Ann Nowland 2016 Evaluation which was due in November. We initiated this request a month ago and Mary Ann Nowland is still waiting. We do understand that everyone is busy, however, 7 months should be ample amount of time to get this task done.
April 14th, 2016, 10:00 pm, on board the Norwegian Dawn. Jackson Shloo and his wife were at dinner, at the McDonald's on board. The rest of the restaurants were closed or too crowded at this hour to get a table. After their “meal,” they decided to have the night of their life, party in the club, then at Midnight go to the ship deck and watch the waves. Their kids were in their room on the ship, fast asleep, nothing could wake them up. Jackson didn’t know that he would never see them again, forever. 11:00 pm. Jackson and his wife were at the club, not drinking, but just dancing, nothing seemed different, out of the ordinary, deadly and life changing.
Have you ever wondered what it was like in the American Revolution? Have you ever wondered who was there? There is an important person you should know. Her name was Margaret Cochran and I am going to tell you some important things about her.
Transition: Now that I have discussed the titanic itself, let’s take a look at the tragedy that struck it on its’ maiden voyage.
I am writing to you on the behalf of Florence Kelley, a student I have taught since 1890. She hopes to further her education at United States University. Kelley has always been extremely hard-working, empathetic, and compassionate, and strongly believes in the rights of all people, especially women and children. A perfect example of this is when she said, “For the sake of the children, for the Republic in which these children will vote after we are dead, and for the sake of our cause, we should enlist the workingmen voters, with us, in this task of freeing the children from toil” (Wamsley, 1336-1358). In this quote, Kelley was encouraging voters to vote for the abolition or at least limitation of child labor. As one can see, she is very persuasive and deeply cares about her work; she truly wants to free children from suffering due to unnecessary work. This considerate mindset is apparent in her entire work ethic and philosophy.
Relevance Statement: According to the CDC, 62% of women of reproductive age are currently using a contraceptive. This number has drastically risen over the years as a result of advanced medicine and availability to all women. This would not have been possible without the work and dedication of Margaret Sanger.
Born in the south of Louisiana, and then raised for the rest of her life down here in the Bay Area. My grandma, Patricia Wright, gave me the opportunity to interview her about life and the up bringing as a black child, black teen and a black woman in her era. With my research I went through some of the sources from in class discussions,but happen to relate more with other scholarly sources. I was able to get deep and discuss how it was for her socially, economically, politically, and culturally where she lived.
The Iowa State Fair Queen is, in my opinion, one of the most influential women for the State of Iowa. She serves her state proudly and represents the youth in a way nobody else can! The State Fair Queen is the heart and soul of Iowa, and proves to be an outstanding role model for the youth and all communities. By being selected as my county’s Fair Queen, I am beyond grateful to be able to be in the running for the 2015 State Fair Queen. I adore being there for others and lending my hands wherever I go. I am constantly on the go as traveling is a love of mine, as well as public speaking. In the future, I plan on going into Communications with the intentions to help others and being someone they see as someone to go to. The Iowa State Fair is a
In her speech to the Republican National Convention, Mary Fisher uses both emotional and logical appeals to unite all Americans in the fight against AIDS and HIV, and to make people think differently about the disease and its victims. To open her speech, Fisher influences the emotions of her audience with heart-wrenching imagery and personal stories that make the audience feel sympathetic to the victims of the disease. After she gains the audience’s pity, Fisher makes the purpose of her speech clear and refutes any counter arguments that could arise. To conclude her argument, Fisher again appeals to the audience’s emotions, but this time she focuses more on the decision that the audience must make and its implications for the future of America.
Day two on the journey that will lead to the triangle. The winds yet to cease, and we zip along on this two week journey. Walking along the edge of the boat, the familiar smell of salt fills my lungs. I put my hands behind my back and walk to the bow of the ship. Standing there, I look ahead. It seems like I’m floating above the water, traveling at speeds beyond the human capability. I walk back under the deck into the stuffy, warm, room that I share.
The debate on whether college athletes should get some type of compensation has been an ongoing one. A documentary which aired on the EPIX channel entitled “Schooled: The Price of College Sports”, shows the evolution of college athletics and how it became what it is now. With the creation of the term “student athletes” in the 1950s by Walter Bayers, student athletes were forced to give their labor for the sake of the NCAA. The term, as expressed by some of the interviewers in the documentary, is an evil term because it allowed universities and colleges to stand behind the term and neglect the student athletes. As the NCAA and the universities start to amass insane amount of revenue from the sweats of these said student
Have you ever met a person who can speak Ojibwe? Well I am going to introduce you to someone who can. That is me, Kyler Patterson. I am a chippewa Native American from the Red lake band of chippewa located in northern Minnesota. My clan is Mikinaak (Turtle) which there is 7 clans, clans are communities spread throughout the reservation.
One of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century, was the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Although many ships have succumbed to the icebergs in the ocean, none have accounted for a greater loss of life than the Titanic (Hill, 2000). All the hype surrounding the Titanic in 1912, made people believe this ship was going to be an unstoppable luxury cruise; even third class passengers would be able to enjoy simple things that weren’t offered on other ocean liners at the time, like cooked meals and their own private cabins. The Titanic was dubbed the Ship of Dreams; however, it would turn into a nightmare for the passengers and their families in less than a week. The maiden voyage from South Hampton, England to New York City, New York would be a journey no one could forget. The sinking of the Titanic would capture the imagination of Hollywood directors, and became the passion of sea explorers who would search for the great vessel.
I chose the University of California, Irvine as my first choice because of their of Criminology, Law, and Society academic program. This program would benefit me the most when it comes to interacting with law. This school is competitive to get into, and I feel like if I do get accepted into the program, that I would be surrounded by students who genuinely care about learning. However, the expense to attend is high, since I would need to dorm at the university. The University of Santa Cruz is my second choice because they have excellent programs for Pre-law. They also have the Educational Opportunities Program which can help me as a college student. This school is a few hours away from my home, so dorming is necessary. My third choice and farthest