
Mary Ship Informative Speech

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How would you like a ticket to a luxury hotel cruising on water. One that was bigger, faster and more powerful than the Titanic. With high living standards, including wireless, high-speed internet connection, and room service. You think that would sound like the most perfect run away from reality. Although, beneath all this luxury are the many haunted spirits that roam the place. Beware of the screams you hear at night, and enjoy the ride! All aboard the Queen Mary ship! Good morning/afternoon judges, teachers and fellow students. Today I’ll be talking about the Queen Mary ship. It’s features, history and paranormal activity. Welcome to the Queen Mary, listen closely as I will give you a quick tour of the ship. First of all, let’s get that …show more content…

With at least 49 deaths, the ship definitely has some strange things going on, that cannot be explained. The deaths that happened during the ship’s history, is linked with the many spirits that roam the area. The spirits of Captain Treasure Jones, John Pedder, Jackie continue to haunt the passengers from time to time. There were some reports that Captain Jones loved to smoke a good cigar and at times the smell of cigar smoke can still be detected. John Pedder’s scream can be heard from the door he was killed by. Jackie likes to play in the pool areas of the ship. Jackie can be heard singing and laughing. Sarah can also be heard singing with Jackie. Shadow people have been reported by people in all locations of the ship and at all hours of the day and night. Many people have photographed shadow people. There are many theories as to what shadow people are. Some believe they are possibly inter-dimensional beings slipping between our dimension and theirs. Others believe it is just another form of ghost. Whatever they are or wherever they come from, one thing is for certain. When you see one you won't forget it. Shadow people come in many shapes and sizes. People who have seen shadow people say that they seem to have a strange smokey look to them. Balls of light have also been witnessed in many areas of the ship. They are very solid in appearance, and can be seen in pitch black just cruising along in the darkness. These can not be explained well, as there is no firm evidence about it. Cabin B340 is the location of another vicious murder aboard the Queen Mary. There has been a lot of paranormal activity related to this room, and so many requests by guests for new rooms. Because of this, they have sealed off the room and removed the cabin number. They do not under any circumstances rent this room out to guests. Guests who stayed in the room were awakened in the middle of the night by the lights and

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