
Mary Todd Lincoln 's Life

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One cannot say that Mary Todd Lincoln did not suffer great loss in her lifetime. From a young age, she became familiar with loss when she lost her mother at the age of six (Baker 2002). Some people looked at her as crazy and thought she should be locked up in a mental hospital like her son had done to her. If they took the time, though, to read through her great losses and look from her perspective, maybe they could realize that she was just a mourning daughter, sister, mother, and wife. Mrs. Lincoln was raised in a wealthy, southern family (Baker 2002). Her family “represented the slaveholding gentry of a new community,” although she was uncomfortable with the southern slaveholding ways (Baker 2002). She lost her mother at the age of …show more content…

This caused her family to look at her as a traitor, they supported the Confederates and her husband and her supported the Union (Norbut 2008). She was also looked at as a traitor from the rest of the United States, the Northerners saw her from the South, and easterners saw her as a “uncouth westerner” (Norbut 2008). When Willie died in 1862 from typhoid fever, Mrs. Lincoln didn’t get any sympathy from the rest of the United States because every mother out there was potentially “losing” their sons (Baker 2002). This caused problems between the married couple because Lincoln mourned his death more privately in Willie’s bedroom as she took it more as a personal blow, he saw it as a “shared grief of the parents and families whose soldier sons and husbands he had sent off to the war” (Baker 2002). Mrs. Lincoln never did anything bland, including mourning the death of Willie (“Family: Mary Todd Lincoln”). She had an eye for fashion, “even during the period in 1862 and 1863 when Mrs. Lincoln was in mourning for her son Willie and wore only black, she managed to go further into debt for new clothes” (“Family: Mary Todd Lincoln”). Mrs. Lincoln shed her mourning attire a little over a year later, but she did start reaching out and seeing spiritualist (“Family: Mary Todd Lincoln”). She would invite them to the White House for “séance circles” so the mediums could conduct the “call to the dead” (Anthony 2014). Cranston

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