
Masculinity And Violence In Philomela

Satisfactory Essays

Being silenced is the basic of the story that keeps it moving along with the social and gender issues that impact violence of patriarchal domination and women being submissive. This essay will present a powerful archetypical narrative topic in Ovid’s Metamorphoses such as rape, silencing and the complete erasure of feminine in Alice Walker’s Color Purple Novel. The reader will understand the significance of the subject matter under the discussion of a system of society called “Patriarchy”, that does not allow the expression of both the masculinity and feminism. By providing textual evidence that withdraws from the violence of patriarchal domination and submissive, and the comparison of the fate of Philomela to that of young Celie. …show more content…

The work of women to conquer the differences in male and female pay and the anti-rape culture seem to be diminished. In Alice Walker Novel Philomela is not only subjected to rape but also silenced by her brother in law Teureus. The generation we live today is striving to work hard to end violence against women in our nation as well as others but women visibility of alternative texts fail to be progressive. The Novel shows that no one is doing anything to stop violence which is being instigated to people’s bodies instead Philomela kills Itys and serve the feast to her husband and later being transformed as birds, the fighting for recognition and a true understanding of the Gender Equality or the social, economic and political equality of sexes should be noted that we have remarkable evolution from the past generation as rape is more than a physical act but an attempt to destroy women’s mental health and leave them …show more content…

Most men always try to suppress and oppress their feminine side of them because they will be regarded as weak or sissy, so the do their best to express their masculinity on women in such an extent that they end up abusing it and rape women as an instrument of their male dominance. Rape is regarded as an achievement to men and proud to silence feminism, the two sisters of contrasting life one in a form of torture Celie and one in a form of successful life Nettie, their similarities existed from both the strongest connecting to God. Nettie writes with proper grammar and Cellie with bad grammar in her letter, the only way for the oppressed to have peace is to eliminate all the oppressors and transform

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