
Mass Shooting In Schools

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Mass shootings have become one of the most fearful events that could happen in elementary schools, high schools, and College campuses. These violent actions committed by a number of individuals have happened for many years and will continue happening unless prevented. Individuals like James Holmes opened fire in a Colorado movie theater, killing twelve individuals and injuring twenty, John Sawahri shot five students dead in Santa Monica College also injuring four individuals. However Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibold executed the most horrific act of school violence in United States History. These two individuals managed to take the lives of twelve students, a teacher and managed to take their own life in the process. This act of crime has spread through America, leaving no one safe. These crimes have occurred not too long ago and can easily happen in the future. As a community, …show more content…

No one just wakes up one day to realize they became a criminal; this process generally takes a long and slow build. Guns opened to those who really should not have them can be seen as one of the main reasons as to why mass shootings exist all around America. Investigators should find a way to keep these killing machines away from those who should not have them. Living with a abusive family and not getting any attention when a person needs it the most can also cause one to build hate towards others. Always entertained by violent movies and video games will cause a child's brain to think that the world mirrors the violence they obtain from these games and movies. What happens in the games can also happen in the real world, especially when violent games are involved. Searching for revenge or simply seeking for attention are also reasons to mass shootings. All of this buildup in an individual's life can cause a child to grow up into having a mind of a criminal. However, solutions to stop this from occurring are

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