
Massacre at Rosewood: Racially Motivated Violence

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World War I is ending and there is violence and racial unrest against African Americans. The racial violence and disturbances were common place in the early 20th and disturbances ranged from individual lynchings to mob style brutality against entire black communities (Documented History). One of these disturbances ended in the destruction of an entire town. This town was a predominantly black town named Rosewood in central Florida. Blacks became increasingly worried about the number of lynching’s and began carrying guns for protection. The whites were disturbed that blacks were armed. The newspapers fed the whites’ fears by publishing daily stories about attacks on white woman by black men. The violence and brutality escalated to the point that newspapers invited the public to come and watch the burning of a live Negro (Documented History). The massacre and destruction of the town of Rosewood, Florida was due to the racism and fear the white community had for the black community. Rosewood is located nine miles east of Cedar Key in western Levy County established on March 10, 1845. A number of Rosewood’s black women worked at Sumner as part-time domestics for white families (Documented History). “The events that culminated in the Rosewood affair began on the morning of January 1, 1923, at Sumner, the neighboring saw mill village. Frances (Fannie) Taylor, a twenty two-year old married woman, whose husband James

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