
Masters Of Our Fate Research Paper

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Masters of Our Fate?
Through an accident of birth and with no say in the whole matter, a baby is born. They experience the world without self-awareness and unconsciously absorb information about the giant playground that they will spend the rest of their lives in. As they begin to grow and develop, their brains become more complex and high-functioning, and their developing motor skills present the opportunity to finally interact with their environment. The period of them being confined to a small crib is replaced by an insatiable curiosity to explore the outside world and thus begins the self-construction of their identity. These babies will go through development stages and progress to children, teenagers, and adults who will be presented with the forever persistent and sometimes disconcerting question of “Who am I?” The answer to this question is often unclear, as people struggle with their sense of identity and existence. Of course none of this was chosen or asked for; it happened by chance and the random, unique combination of environmental and biological factors will encompass their identity.
This identity dictates how a person perceives …show more content…

Perhaps the common phrase, “You are a product of your environment,” should be extended to “You are a product of your environment and biological makeup”—although it is not nearly as catchy. These identities that are influenced by these outside (and inside) factors nonetheless become an integrally important way that people are able to make sense of themselves and their existence, a way that they are able to organize and categorize information about who they are in a definable identity that can be communicated to someone else. Everyone is given the unique opportunity to define who they are, to reinvent themselves, and to continue this development throughout their

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