
Math Benefit Females: Article Summary

Decent Essays

Introductory and Purpose This journal summary explores a peer reviewed article that answers the question, “Do Growth Mindsets in Math Benefit Females”? The article was written by Jessica L. Degol from Pennsylvania State University, and Ming Te Wang, Ya Zhang, and Julie Allerton from the University of Pittsburgh School of Education. The purpose of this research was to gain understanding into the math growth mindset of female students, grades 9-12, as they begin to choose career fields after high school. Through research, it has been discovered that although female’s have lower ability self-concepts and expectations of success in math, they are still equivalent in their math performance compared to males (Degol, Wang, Zhang, and Allerton, 2018). Yet, males …show more content…

Researchers also revealed that math value fully mediated the association between mindset and career aspirations, such that the association between mindset and higher career aspirations in STEM was attributed to high task value in math (Degol, Wang, Zhang, and Allerton, 2018). These findings supported part of the hypothesis, that perception of the malleability of intelligence appeared to play an important role in shaping perceived value of math which mediates the association between mindset and STEM career aspiration. The research also discovered that females with growth mindset, excelled in math more strongly then males through their high expectancy belief. Furthermore, the findings suggests that female underrepresentation in STEM is not due to the lack of acceptance in the field, but to the difference in mindset and math growth created in females. Limitations for this research were that parents and teachers influences were not incorporated, due to the part they play in shaping youth’s orientation toward specific fields. Underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minorities in STEM was also a limitation in this

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