
Matthew 5: 38-42

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The Gospel of Matthew is one of the synoptic gospels and the first book of the New Testament. I will be looking specifically at Matthew 5:38-42, a passage that preaches peace and love in the face of violence, but may also have a deeper underlying message. Although these verses are a part of the broader section known as the Sermon on the Mount, a teaching that deals with many issues of community living and faith, I believe this specific passage was an encouragement to the Jewish Christian converts to not strike out against a dominant Roman power, but to instead embrace a different path; a path of peace.
The Jews who identified with the new movement of Jesus followers were in the midst of a great change at the time the Gospel of Matthew was written. …show more content…

If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” The Gospel of Matthew was originally written in Greek. We can suppose the author was of Jewish heritage, and was reaching out to Jewish Christian converts, by the way he explains Jewish traditions. It seems the author assumes the reader has prior knowledge of these traditions. During the time period scholars estimate Matthew was written (sometime from 50 AD to 70 AD) there was a great struggle within the Jewish faith. Many Jews were beginning to follow a new teaching which was leading to the formation of Christianity. These Jews along with many gentiles were coming together to form their own faith communities or churches. Some of these were the Hellenistic Jews, Jews whose common language and cultural influence was Greek but most were Palestinian Jews who saw their home as …show more content…

The heavy burden of Rome was seen as an insult to those who saw this land as rightly theirs. But the author of Matthew did not want to add to the conflict. He records Jesus’ words to help ease tensions between the two groups. “And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.” (Matthew 5:40) The author wanted these Jews to do the same. Give everything you own if that’s what it takes to reach peace and safety, even the land that is so sacred to you. The author thought what mattered most was your heart and your commitment to

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