
Maurologist Career Goal

Decent Essays

I can remember sitting in geometry class junior year and smiling as the answers to the problem clicked into place one after another. Finding one angle led to the discovery of another and soon, all of the blanks in a series of intersecting lines were filled out. It was extremely satisfying to be able to tackle a problem step by step, slowly revealing parts that would aid in the next step. It was here that I really discovered my love for logic problems. My brain works very logically and I love challenging problems that I can figure out, from finding missing angles in a geometry problem, or attempting to diagnose my friends when they feel sick, however unqualified I may be. For this reason and many others, working as a neurologist has always been …show more content…

AP Biology in particular is designed to test and improve students’ critical thinking skills. The questions give all necessary information, but require the student to apply it in different ways to predict outcomes or solve problems. This is excellent for interpreting, understanding, and applying difficult concepts taught in college courses and will also help me as a neurologist in the process of diagnosing patients and choosing a proper treatment for them. Throughout high school, I have also been involved as a student ambassador for St. Dominic Savio. This involves working with new students and parents, volunteering at school events, leading tours, and generally working to represent Savio in the best way possible. From this experience, I have learned to work with people through meeting with and guiding many newcomers during events such as freshman orientation. I worked with many personalities and lead activities to put students at ease and introduce them to each other. Doing this multiple years in a row taught me how to work with different people and be people oriented. I was also able to take away professionalism from …show more content…

By majoring in public health or a similar field such as psychology or biology, I will acquire an in depth background in life sciences that is necessary for medical school and also a career in neurology, as it will demand me to call on this knowledge in order to diagnose and treat patients. I also plan to take required courses to prepare for medical school, including courses in chemistry, biology, and physics. However, this education will not be nearly as effective if I do not have any hands on experience in the field. For this reason I plan to make the most out of volunteer and internship opportunities made available at UT. I would love to work with hospitals such as St. David’s and Brackenridge. I plan to make use of the Office of Undergraduate Research as well, where I will be able to gain lab and research experience. Volunteering in the environment I aspire to have a career in will get me familiar with how a hospital works and will also help me to apply and understand on a deeper level the information I learn in classes, and research will add experience so that I can enter the workforce with a strong resume as well as a quality education. Additionally, the volunteer and research experiences will prepare me for my actual career so that I will have the best background to successfully treat

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