
Mayan Math History

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Like each other part of human advancement, mathematics has its own particular birthplace focused around the needs of humanity in searching for understanding. Mathematics emerged from the necessity to quantify time and number. The earliest evidence of counting occurred in mountains of Africa were notched bones and scored pieces of wood and stone were discovered. As human advancements started to surface in Asia and the near east, frameworks and essential appreciation of arithmetic, geometry and polynomial math started to develop. Mathematics has made a lot of progress from the first evidence of counting in 50,00 B.C to the current utilization of math all over the place from cellphones and machines to dating of old ancient rarities and adjusting …show more content…

The importance of astronomy and calendar (18 months a year; 20 days a month) calculations to the Mayans required mathematics, which lead them create an advanced number system of its time. The system was on base 20 and most times base 5, which very likely originated from counting on fingers and toes. The numerals consisted of only three symbols: zero was represented as a shell shape, one, a dot and five a bar, so calculation was basically adding or subtracting bars and dots. In spite of not having the idea of a division, they delivered greatly exact cosmic perceptions utilizing no instruments other than sticks in form of crosses to view astronomical objects and had the capacity measure the length of the sunlight based year to a far higher level of exactness than that utilized as a part of Europe (their computations created 365.242 days, contrasted with the cutting edge estimation of 365.242198), and in addition the length of the lunar month (their evaluation was 29.5308 days, contrasted with the advanced estimation of 29.53059). Due to the geographic disconnect, Mayan mathematics hardly influenced the Old World (Europe and Asia) mathematics and numbering

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