
Mccluskey Journey

Satisfactory Essays

Facing death or thinking about death represents a significant transition for many individuals. Collins (2002) refers to this challenge in an example offered by Christian coach Christopher McCluskey. McCluskey received a call from a man who heard about Christian coaching on the radio. The man was seventy-two and feared dying before he started to live. The coaching relationship revealed that the man had deep faith in God but little intimacy with Him. The man’s difficulty connecting with others was helped through the coaching relationship with McCluskey. As he opened up to the coach, the man “came alive” in his relationship with God the Father. The man’s fear and regret about the transition of death was effectively addressed because the coach helped him move to a …show more content…

As an older student, I am particularly drawn to this example. I often find myself looking back with regret - about my use of the resources that God has given me. I worry that I have wasted time and opportunity and that I should make some significant changes. This is an area that I would want to explore if I were being coached. Helping someone like myself move through this transition would certainly involve looking forward rather than back. I probably resemble Hudson’s Phase 2 in which I feel “disappointed,” “trapped,” and “sensing decline” (Collins, 2002, p. 243). It is probably time to say good-bye to former dreams and move on.

Collins (2002) mentions the importance of coaching people through transitions. He notes the large cost to society if transitions fail–one such transition occurs when

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