
Meaning And Purpose In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

Decent Essays

A life of meaning and purpose constitutes of understanding the first principal of Plato, a famous Greek philosopher in the “Allegory of the Cave”. He portrays the state of mind most people face in one time during their lives which is escaping the “Cave” by being open to new perceptions and letting the light of knowledge uncovered people’s blindness. Are we living in a cave? Is there a greater reality which we are not aware of? Why are we here? What is the point of all this? Those are some questions that arise attempted to answer the source of true understanding.
What constitutes a life of meaning is to challenge our mind to look up for more and pursue the truth than rather stay in a comfort zone. The quote that I found most significant in the “Allegory of the Cave” says “Then the …show more content…

It is important to highlight the meaning of obedience because obedience to God begins with accepting the Ten commandments as the permanent standard for our values and behavior. A life with purpose consist for me give back to others and follow your heart. These 10 commandments also give me a better understanding why to forgive others in order to have a prosperous and abundant life. God has given us the power to choose between good and evil according to this teach. He is telling us if we love him and are faithful to him, we will be rewarded, and if we choose to not be faithful, we will be punished. The rest of the commandments show how we are to treat other human beings with respect and dignity as the children of God made in his image and likeness. Although the rest of the commandments may not necessarily be list it in the order of importance, the commandment to honor your father and your mother demonstrate the significance of family as the foundation for our life on earth that provides the nurturing environment to grow and learn to love God and respect our fellow human

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