
Media And Mass Media

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In today's society, mass media is considered to have been one of the most powerful leading sources of news stories and content on what is going on in the world. Mass Media and entertainment are the most used forms of popular culture that plays a noteworthy role when it comes down to shaping and sculpting our perceptions of others. For many citizens of the us, news media is one of the most primary ways that we learn about different people from different places and learn about people who are different from us. The problem though, is that many representations are based on cultural stereotypes, which tend to marginalize and place certain groups inferior to others. The media is considered to be a tool to create and maintain a balanced society which is created by a group of well-informed people, democracy and also a sense of social justice. In fact, the media has a prominent influence on all aspects of human life in modern times Sadly, a lot of the images that are shown and viewed in the media tend to leave long lasting impressions, whether good or bad. Some of these impressions have the ability to leave a negative impact on the viewers. Although the media is a very useful resource, the media has been very destructive to our society and most importantly the African American community. sense of humor.

Some people might argue that the media doesn’t directly target one race, culture, or religion Some people would say that negative media coverage is equal regardless of race.

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