
Media And Social Media

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Social media is destroying the way teens think, believe, socialize, and even their self-esteem. Teen depression has been increasing rapidly over the last 6 years and social media is the main cause of this. Depression among today’s teens are outrageous and most are even starting to commit suicide or self-harm daily. Being yourself is important and if they can’t be themselves than who exactly are they when they’re on these social media accounts. Suicide shouldn’t be a thought of anyone but really shouldn’t be one for a teen who has so much to look forward too. Depression is real but it going to come to end and I’ll find my own way to make it happen even if I must do it alone. Losing friends, family member, and even classmates over stupid things like someone not liking their picture is crazy. Embrace yourself who cares what those people behind a screen have to say. Spending so much time on social media is very dangerous and no one seems to understand how that creates the start of depression. Brain Primack is a medical doctor and had a PHD so after reading his results my mind was well blown, he allowed 97% of the U.S. population to take a survey and comparing it to the validate Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information, he found that social media use is associated with depression in a linear line. This survey also proved that the 1,787 teens that took the survey spends majority of their time on social media and therefore they are likely to beat the odds of depression

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