
Media Influence On Election Essay

Decent Essays

The main goal for a media corporation is similar to any other corporation, to make a profit. Media corporations do so by supplying the type of news people want to see. A channel with more viewers is more valuable to advertisers and in turn gains the media corporation more profit. This affects democracy because media corporations become concerned with trying to display the most sensational news, rather than perhaps the most important news. Politicians are aware of how media corporations report on outrageous news stories and try to use the media as a form of free advertisement to spread their platform (Bond & Smith, 280). When watching the news many people search out a source that agrees with their political thinking. People want a news source …show more content…

Political candidates are aware of how the news, especially during elections, publicize candidates. Political candidates try to get the attention of the media because the more they get their name mentioned, the more likely voters are to research the candidate. There is a direct correlation between the amounts of times a candidate is mentioned in the news and how well they poll (Stray, How Much Influence Does the Media). Additionally, media corporations want to supply consumers with the news that they want to see. In an interview with Leslie Moonves, the CBS chairman, stated that Trump as a president may not be the best candidate for America, but that he is great for CBS’s profits (Collins, Les Moonves: Trump’s Run). This shows how media corporations want to display the news that consumers are most interested in; at the time there was a huge interest in Trump being a candidate in the election. This affects democracy because news corporations are mainly interested in trying to gain the most viewers in order to gain the most advertising revenue or to sell the most copies of newspapers. Rather than show the news or political issues that may be the most important. This can especially be seen at the local level,

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