
Media Stereotyping Of Black Men In The Media

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The researcher began by asking the question what factors contribute to the stereotyping of black men as “dangerous and criminal”. And the researcher found out that although media influence stereotyping of this sort, it's only smaller part of the larger problem. There is a general tendency in the media to over-represent African-American as criminal; portray black men as particularly dangerous, and present information about black suspect that assume their guilt. However, even when crime featuring black and white criminal suspects is presented in equitable ways in the media, viewers’ existing stereotypes can result in biased interpretations that may serve to maintain racial stereotypes nevertheless. The researcher conclude that, viewers’ selective perception and interpretation of media content suggest that equitable media portrayals of race in crime-related programming may not be sufficient to address the concerns presented here.
Reason for choosing the Article.
From the media I consume on daily I personally believe that the overrepresentation or misrepresentation as well as negative portrayal of black suspects/ criminals in the media cause the maintenance and reinforcement of black men stereotype such as dangerous and threatening. However, when I read the article I was intrigued to find out that media play only a small part of the larger problem. The problem is deeper than just negative media portrayal of black men.
Relation to media project. In our media project we found

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