
Media Violence

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There has been a rapid growth in the amount of studies performed designed to at looking at the potentially harmful effects of the consumption of violent media and the impact it has on psychological factors. Two psychological factors that have been researched are empathy and aggression and how violent media influences these two emotions. Theories that have tried explaining the pathway from the viewing of violence in media and the impact on aggression have generally focused on the role of violent media being used by consumers as observational learning and promoting the development of aggressive tendencies. It is thought that the exposure to violence and violent acts contribute to the development of aggressive behaviour (Anderson, et al., …show more content…

One literature review that has already looked at this is Wiedeman et al (2015) which investigated factors that could potentially influence the impact that aggressive and violent media have on children. The purpose of their study was to discuss the relevant research that had been previously carried out on the topic and examine if various factors could potentially impact the risk of being influenced by violent media. A few of the factors looked at in their study and is relevant to this research report includes time that was spent watching media and the content of the media and how they influence violent behaviour. They found that exposure to aggressive or violent behaviour whether it was for a brief period or a prolonged time, can not only increase the level of aggressive behaviour shown, but also have an impact on the desensitization to violence and the suffering of other which relates back to empathy levels. Another is Bartholow et al (2005) that looked at the consequences of the exposure to violent media to Empathy, aggressive behaviour and the likelihood of having a hostile personality. The study primarily looked at the effects of violent video game consumption in children up to seventeen years of age as they reportedly spend up to seven hours a week playing them. The researchers conducted two studies to examine the link between violent

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