
Media's Influence On Body Image

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Most people have been exposed to social media at some point in their lives and although it may seem harmless it can play a major role on how people perceive themselves. Dieting and maintaining a well balanced lifestyle is healthy, but that can all change when the media gets involved. The media's impact on body image is mainly negative because people tend to abuse what information they are given and turn it into an unhealthy lifestyle. The media has a major impact on how people perceive themselves it can affect your mental stability, lower self-esteem, and contribute to unhealthy habits.

Many people who consider dieting will try all kinds of ways to get to their ideal weight. Doing any types of crash or extreme dieting can play a major toll on your mental health. Over the past few years it has become well known that women and men have used the media in an unhealthy way to aid their eating habits or to start dieting. This is extremely bad for many reasons and not only because these habits harm your mind. They also promote an unrealistic goal for women to try and achieve which affects mental health. …show more content…

One major reason the media has such a big affect on women and men’s perceptions of themselves is because they feel unaccepted by others due to the way they look. Sixty nine percent Of girls in the fifth to twelfth grade say that pictures in magazines influence their ideal body shape. This can lead to avoiding activities because people feel they have flaws since they do not look like models in magazines. Having certain obsessions about your appearance is called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). People who have B.D.D. will perform rituals throughout the day like checking in a mirror constantly, asking people about their appearance, and avoiding activities. Usually these types of behaviors can even increase the unwanted feelings about a persons appearance leading to huge self esteem

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