
Medical Ethics Essay

Decent Essays

The Affordable Healthcare Act (AHA) in the US, which is similar to other countries’ Universal Healthcare Systems (UHS), has been in the news again recently. From the beginning the AHA has been passionately contested and debated from its introduction on the Senate floor to the challenge in the Supreme Court that it was unconstitutional. The reforms that the AHA started in 2010, such as Health Insurance Companies can not deny someone with a preexisting condition, or the recent troubles of the Health Insurance Marketplace website, AHA is something of a hot button issues that has US citizens deeply divided on. At the heart of this divisive issue is Universal Healthcare something that should be provided by government for its citizens or is it …show more content…

Plato’s Republic, written as a dialog, Plato’s main speaker and his former teacher, is Socrates throughout the work. In Republic we learn of Plato’s Concepts of Justice, Virtue, and what is good. Plato is considered one of the preeminent philosophers of his time and foremost contributors to the studies of philosophy, political science, and psychology. His influences and works are the basis on which many philosophers from ancient Greece to modern day use to construct their theories.
In the Republic, dialog between Socrates, Thrasymachus, and Glaucon convey to us what Plato classifies as good and classes of good, and what is just and unjust. If we can describe what is “just” and “good” we can better determine what is the best course of action. Plato describes, Justice as a virtue, “Justice is, at once a part of human virtue and the bond, which joins man together in society. It is the identical quality that makes good and social. Justice is an order and duty of the parts of the soul, it is to the soul as health is to the body. Plato says that justice is not mere strength, but it is a harmonious strength. Justice is not the right of the stronger but the effective harmony of the whole. All moral conceptions revolve about the good of the whole-individual as well as social.” (Bhandari). So it can be said that what is “just” and “good”, in the Platonic sense, is good for the individual as well as society. Plato then frames governance or the

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