
Medical Field Essay

Decent Essays

The Developing Techniques Of The Medical Field Within In The United States
The phrase “going to the doctor” is commonly used among people of all ages and from all backgrounds. It sounds as if a trip to the doctor is similar to a casual visit with a personal friend. The fact of matter is that we as Americans are lucky to have designed a medical field that is easily reachable in case of an emergency. There have been many techniques developed throughout the past centuries. In recent years, it has become vital for many people to set up appointments with doctors as a monthly check up to monitor their health and well-being. All the medical tools or methods at society's disposal have all been built by a slow rise in technique. The United States …show more content…

It also gives hope for the future of what we can do to increase the survival rate. We have progressed so far it's astounding, there is good reason on why we will continue to progress medically. One of these medical techniques that has been improved in years past is the control of infectious diseases. Since the beginning of the 20th century infectious diseases have dropped substantially compared to years prior. We have been able to focus on hygiene, vaccinations, and improving our antibiotics. Thanks to the developments in technology and these techniques the average life expectancy has dramatically increased by 29.2 years (“Ten Great Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century”). Fortunately, and somewhat unexpectedly, this not only helped the adults, but it favored the children as well. The progress that we have made just within the last 100 years has been extraordinary. It is especially difficult to understand why this trend will not continue; our technology and techniques will continue to grow. Along with our understanding of the medical fields itself. It does not end with just physical health related issues. One of the many medical problems we have progressed on and continue to progress on is mental health. “Nearly 90% of adults in America value mental health”(“Survey Finds that Americans Value Mental Health and Physical Health Equally”) Our understanding on mental health is continuing

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