
Medicine In Medieval Times

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Throughout history, there has been many scientific advances in many fields. Healthcare is of course an important topic otherwise not many people would be here today. Anyways, obviously health and medicine has gone through numerous changes and advances as civilization has evolved during mankind’s time on earth. There is almost an uncountable amount of changes that healthcare went through so listing them would be unfeasible. However, it can be pinpointed to three major eras in history which had groundbreaking discoveries. These time periods would be the ancient times, the medieval times, and the modern times.

To start, well chronologically speaking, would be the ancient times of medicine. What I consider to be major advance would be the Hippocratic Oath. I’m pretty sure that everyone …show more content…

More specifically, the next important era of medicine would be the medieval times. Technically, there was a Hospital equivalent in ancient times in places like Greece and Rome. What was groundbreaking for medicine during the medieval times was the fact that medical treatment was now available to everyone. Before the advent of this change, medical treatment was generally available to only wealthy. At first, Hospitals were connected to religion and the church which was backed up by the Benedictine Monks. These monks were the ones responsible for reviving the Hospital. All of this lasted for the early part of the middle Ages. However, as time progressed, hospitals in the medieval times were separated from the control of churches and were in the hands of physicians. This change also brought up the separation of body and soul in caretaking. Obviously, the hospitals would have assorted forms of resources and materials needed to take care of patients. Evidently, this time period is significant as this time period brought up a core part of medicine and this laid the groundwork for hospitals in the modern

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