
Medieval Knights Research Paper

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Medieval Knights Medieval Knights were one of the main parts of the feudal system, in the medieval times. They had to learn many things, such as how to obey the king, how to fight, and had to be trained. The knights were given orders by the king and his wife, and were required to follow them. For my medieval project, I have drawn a medieval knight, very similar to the ones in the medieval times, which lasted about one thousand years. Although medieval knights couldn't be created by a person, they began using knights at the beginning of the feudal system. They were brought to the feudal system by the Pope and church. The feudal system was based off the levels for different people. These included serfs, merchants, knights and vassals, and nobles, and the king at the top. But when the feudal system ended, and Europe transitioned into the modern age, …show more content…

One purpose of the medieval knights was to defend the castle, where the king and his wife lived, the servants of the king, and other people who are part of the king’s service. 2.Secondly, medieval knights were used to battle against other cities and villages that wanted to gain more power to rule more land. 3.There were many different versions of medieval knights that were very helpful in battles and defending. Different versions included knights who rode on horses, walked or ran to attack, or rode in or pushed a tortoise of battering ram. Having medieval knights in the feudal system impacted society greatly. One way medieval knights impacted society is that it helped people who were in the lower areas of the feudal pyramid get higher in the feudal system. For example, if you were a merchant and wanted higher in the government, an option was to become a knight for the castle and the church. Another way medieval knights impacted the society was that when other people became knights, there were more space for people to keep moving up in the feudal

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