
Meeting Stakeholder Quality Needs

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Name: Phillip Liburd Membership number: P04323553 Unit: Meeting Stakeholder and Quality Needs Company: Allen Gears Centre: Black-Elk Business Alignment Limited Description: My current role at Allen Gears is as a Sales Engineer. I do not hold a managerial role but I am making progress to achieve a qualification that will allow me to manage in the near future. Reflective Statement In this module I have had to think about how this company functions in a lot more detail than I have ever done before. It is easy to take for granted some of the work that is done on the quality side of the business. It was interesting to look at and audit my department and discuss with my manager areas where I believe we can improve. …show more content…

For example, the business 's owners expect it to be profitable and to distribute that profit to them while local and federal government agencies expect it to obey the law and pay its taxes on time. The importance of each stakeholder to the business determines the degree to which the business attempts to accommodate the stakeholder in the course of planning its actions. [ (Li, 2013) ] If identifying the stakeholders is the first step then the second step is to plan how you intend to communicate with them. If there is a two way method of communicating not only can you inform the stakeholders that you are meeting their expectations, more importantly they can inform you when you aren’t. These can be as easy as a brief conversation or a detailed as a monthly meeting with the chamber of Commerce. Within Allen Gears I attend several weekly meeting where stakeholder requirements are not only expressed but tracked to make sure we meet pre agreed targets and delivery dates. Any information gathered from communication needs to be disseminated throughout the company. This is so that all aspects of the company are aware of the stakeholder expectations. Once the relevant information is received it can be acted upon and the results can be reported to the stake holder. Within sales our key stakeholders are typically customers. We communicate via meeting, over the phone or by e-mail. Typically any requirements that are technical are e-mailed and upon receipt someone in our

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