
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler Essay

Decent Essays

The Holocaust was one of the biggest genocide in the world. Over 17 million people died in it mostly Jews. There where more things to The Holocaust World War 2, Hitlers rise to power, and Anne Franks Diary. These events all happened at the same time reflecting on one another. The Holocaust was one of the worlds worst events in history.

Hitles rise to power started when he was put in jail for trying to overthrow the German government. He was sent to jail for 10 years but got out in 9 months for good behavoir. In jail he wrote a book called Mein Kampf or My struggle. He blammed the jews for everything and got famous for it in Germany. When he got out of jail he rose up through the government becoming Chancellor of Germany. He then made …show more content…

People where put in gas chambers where they died then they where throwen into ovens where they where burned. There where also mobile killing sqauds after the German army left a area these people would go and kill any other people that survied. This list had different races on it like Jews, African Americans, and handy caped on it. Hitler would kill anyone that list even if they where a child. Hitler also thought that people with blonde hair and blue eyes where the best people. The Holocaust is the wrost thing in the world.

The Holocaust lead to World War 2 one of the worst wars ever. Hiter started World War 2 in 1930 when he invaded Poland. Britan and France then declared war on him and attacked. Hitle then made the Tripartiet which made Germany, Italy, and Japan allies for 10 years. In 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor Americas Navl base. That then pulled us into World War 2. When we entered we turned it around and brought the fight into Germany. We then invaded France in 1942 it was called D-day. On are way to Germany fighting through we liberated thousands of camps. We then dropped two atomic bombs on Japan ending World War 2.

The Holocaust can connot to Anne Frank because of Germany rounding up Jews it made them go into hiding. Anne went into hiding when Hitler first started rounding up Jews to put into camps. Anne Frank then brought the Van Danns into the Annex to hide with them. They had all sort of connections to people to buy food for the annex.

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