
Memento Film Noir

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whatever it draws upon evolution or some other conceptual model, the history of any genre cannot be written without regard to broader historical processes
A black and white phenomenon known as film noir was a style of cinematography introduced by French critics in 1946. The popularity of the style was inevitable. The style started to introduced just before the U.S entered World War II but it didn’t developed fully until the late stages of World War
Plot complexity is an important characteristic element of neo-noir film. An example of neo noir film with a complex plot is The Memento by Christopher Nolan 2001. The film has a very complex plot and a series of flash back. The story of the film is told backwards and the flashbacks are moving forward. In a way that the black and white flash back scenes and the coloured backward scene become one at the end of the film. The protagonist has an objective view of the world around him and has a disability that makes his …show more content…

Another characteristic elements of film noir used in this film is the backward story telling. When the film start with the end of the story and we then find out how it all happened as the movie retells the story. Then at the end we return to the finals usually, usually a death which in Memento is the death of Teddy another John G. this is a circular structure in film noir which became very popular.
These elements and characteristics in classic noir and neo-noir much remains the same. Characteristics such as complex plots, complex mise-en-scene, first person voice-over narration, the existence of femme fatale.
In fact in the classic film noir Double Indemnity 1994 same elements can be viewed. The film has a complex plot which, starts with the ending of the film when Walter Neff, is shot in the chest and is explaining what had happened on the phone. The voice-over narration is used by the male

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