
Memorable Journey Essay: A Memorable Trip To Yosemite

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A memorable Journey
The time I went to Yosemite it was amazing an amazing experience. It was peaceful and all you heard in the morning the birds chirping it's like in those Disney movies you hear birds and it's so peaceful. In the morning I'd wake up brush my teeth get ready to eat breakfast and see what my Uncle had planned for us for the day. My favorite part about this trip I got away from my house and took a break from everything my phone,my homework just mostly the important stuff. I had a rough summer so it was a great way to start off fresh,good, and a happy year I wish my parents had came. I've never been camping before so there's gonna be a lot of “how beautiful, wows” etc the first day I got there was on a Friday morning my aunt had made breakfast and after breakfast we …show more content…

To get to some places it took an 1hr drive Or 30 minutes so I slept the whole way to the lake the water was cold, I still got in anyways because I wasn't going to chicken out just because the water was cold. After we would go hiking, hiking was amazing because it's so challenging and when you walk through the woods it's so quiet and there's nothing but big beautiful trees. I love nature, nature is amazing and beautiful like it's gorgeous there was different types of leaves, flowers all of that nature good stuff I had saw a bear when I was in Yosemite I was on the highway and my family and I saw the bear on the rocks getting berries for her cubs she had 2 I knew to not get near the mother because they get vicious when they have cubs but I didn't have nothing to worry about I was in the car. The mother looked very skinny they don't come out very often during the day to hunt for their food so I was surprised. While still in Yosemite I visited a lot of waterfalls we climbed over rocks to get a better view of the waterfalls so we can take pictures, I touched the water and the water felt so

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