
Men And Women : Risk Factors, Epidemiology, Presentation, Treatment, And Outcomes

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In the world, stroke is the rd leading cause of death as well as leading long term disability cause as of . In addition, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, % of potentially preventable deaths in the US between and is attributed to stroke. Notably, % of all stroke deaths are women. Current research indicates the existence of a difference between how women and men present with stroke, how they are treated in an acute setting, and how they respond to treatment methods. Said disparity is of vital importance, given that targeted sex-specific therapies can help improve clinical outcomes and reduce the burden of disease in the population. Therefore, this review will examine the variations between men and women in risk factors, epidemiology, presentation, treatment, and outcomes.

Classification and Pathophysiology
Strokes are primarily classified as ischemic or hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are the most common (% of all strokes) and occur due to obstruction of a blood vessel supplying the brain; they can be further sub-classified as thrombotic or embolic, depending on the site of occlusion. Physiologically, ischemic stroke occurs is preceded by endothelial damage in cerebral blood vessels that causes inflammation and fatty deposit accumulation in arterial walls. Subsequently, this leads to a decrease in blood vessel diameter and vascular flow. In turn, reduced oxygen and glucose supply to brain tissue creates an ischemic core (where blood flow

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