
Menopause Changes

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The changes of menopause and your body, are when you’re entering a new time in your life by focusing on yourself and the thing you can enjoy. Menopause is when your ovaries stop producing hormones and your menstrual periods stop. There are two hormones, estrogen and progesterone they are what help regulate your monthly period. When the estrogen levels and progesterone levels have dropped and, an absents or irregular menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months is when a woman has entered into menopause. The most common symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and insomnia. It can be managed with hormone therapy prescribed by your physician pills, skin patches, vaginal creams/gels and suppositories. Some women prefer …show more content…

Weight gain the hormonal changes of menopauses can add to weigh problems particularly in the mid-section causing increased belly fat named visceral fat that is underneath the subcutaneous fat. By exercising regularly during the day and not at night. Taking control of your diet intake play a huge part during menopause and weight gain, by monitoring your sugar and caffeine intake. Hair changes there are two issues while going through menopause. Thinning hair on the scalp and unwanted facial hair on the chin and chest area. It is caused by the rapid drop in estrogen levels combined with the slower reduction in androgen levels (a male sex hormone, testosterone). Skin changes can run the gamut, from dry itchy skin to oily skin causing adult acne. Irregular menstruation, hot flashes and night sweats, which transmit to insomnia and sleep issues. The best bedtime habits to have for hot flashes and insomnia, is going to bed at the same time each night and limit long naps during the day, wear cotton pajamas and keep your bedroom cool with good ventilation. There is also elevated heart rate causing you to feel like you’re having a panic attack, palpitation and the feeling of your heart pounding rapidly. Mood changes when hormones are fluctuating during this time, making it difficult to concentrate, you tend to be more forgetful, irritability, fatigue, anxiety and depression. Vaginal discomfort and urinary issues, because of the decline of estrogen the lining and tissues of the vagina and urinary tract become thinner and drier leading to less elastic and muscle control. Bone loss plays a big part during a woman’s life especially during menopause and postmenopause the risk factors for osteoporosis are higher during this time. Research indicates that up to 20% of bone loss can occur during these stages (Hormone Health Network page 22). A good way to prevent bone loss is through dairy products by eating dark

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