
Mental Disorders: Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

Decent Essays

By: Chloe Stewart

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder creating a split from reality. Furthermore, the Schizophrenics cannot decipher reality from fantasy. Just as depression is the common cold of psychology; Schizophrenia is like the cancer of psychology. Sufferers from this disease have often been shunned, neglected, and locked up in mental institutions. Humans tend to fear what they do not understand in each other whether an uncle or some stranger on the bus.
Not all Schizophrenics have every symptom, nor are all their symptoms alike. Some symptoms are more severe than others. There are multitudes of symptoms to Schizophrenia, but psychologists group symptoms into three categories: positive, negative, and cognitive …show more content…

Positive symptoms in Schizophrenia are not what they sound like. They tend to contribute something to the patient’s Schizophrenia. These include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and behaviors. Auditory hallucinations are the most common form. It is as if that inner monolog you have with yourself, or those random things that float around your mind throughout the day, was suddenly coming from outside of you. Schizophrenics cannot decipher whether the voices are coming from their head or someone else. In addition, these voices are often abusive. Examples of these are “you’re stupid”, “you are so worthless”, “you idiot”, etc. Another positive symptom is delusions. For every five people with Schizophrenia; four suffer from delusions. There are two types of delusions-delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution. A delusion of grandeur is a false belief you are a person that is above everyone else. An example of this is you would believe you are the Queen of England or that you are Jesus. A delusion of persecution is a false belief that they are being followed or that they have died and do not exist anymore. …show more content…

First, biomedical approaches are physiological interferences that cynosures on weakening symptoms likewise medicines and pills. One of the biomedical approaches is psychopharmacology which is where doctors use drugs to help with the ghastly symptoms. The following drugs are used to treat certain Schizophrenic symptoms: the drugs that are used for antipsychotics are Thorazine and Haldol. Anti-anxiety drugs are Ativan and Xanax. An anti-depressant drug is Prozac, which blocks serotonin reuptake in the brain. Mood stabilizer drugs such as lithium and depakote abate the effects of Bipolar. The second biomedical approach is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ETC) is when tiny electric currents pass through the brain causing a brief seizure on purpose. While this type of treatment is mainly for depression; it does eminently help Schizophrenia. To continue on, the next treatment is psychoanalytic therapy where psychologists look at the conscious and unconscious elements in the mind of the patient. This treatment helps to bring repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind. Techniques like hypnosis, free association, and dream interpretation are commonly used in this field of

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