
Mental Health Act Of 1963 Essay

Decent Essays

The Mental Health Act of 1963 was put in to law by President John F Kennedy on October 31, 1963. The Mental Health Act also identified as: (Mental Retardation and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963) led to the establishment of a variety of community mental health centers around the U.S. This act basically assisted people with mental illnesses who were stuck or held in clinical facilities move back into the regular population. Along with this law also many different developments of new psychotropic medications and innovative approaches to mental health drugs made it easier for this process to occur. The Community Mental Health Act of 1963 was simply the beginning. It was a start in the right direction. To put it plainly it was simply to help people with mental illnesses be able to live normal lives and not be stuck in some facility away from everybody. Since the establishment of the act a lot has changed. There is a need for more qualified professionals in the field, better funding and overall better upkeep of these facilities. The individuals that need the hospitalization can’t even stay because there is not enough funding for the centers. According to US Today : “about 90 percent of beds have been cut at state hospitals, according to Paul Appelbaum, a Columbia University psychiatry professor and expert in how the law …show more content…

Then another factor of the act was for better drugs to help individuals cope and lead successful lives outside of clinical everyday care, well the current drugs that are being administered now are highly expensive therefore they can’t afford them and some of them have such negative side effects that it keeps them from leading these successful normal

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