
Mental Health Case Study

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According to The Free Dictionary, mental illness is defined as, “Any of various psychiatric conditions, usually characterized by impairment of an individual 's normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning, and caused by physiological or psychosocial factors “(The Free Dictionary, 2007). Mental illness can certainly be a physical illness, but is not as easily diagnosed like a disease such as diabetes. In a disease like diabetes, physicians can run tests to look for certain indicators of the disease in the blood like the levels of blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C. Sometimes physical conditions can cause mental illnesses. Unlike diseases like diabetes, mental health diagnoses’ often rely more on the patient relaying their symptoms …show more content…

The primary physician can prescribe anti-depressants for a patient that is suffering from anxiety or depression. They can also run tests to make sure a problem is not organic in nature versus purely mental. If mental health and physical health care are kept separate, a physician could miss a medical diagnoses that could be causing a mental problem. Some of the services

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