
Treating Mental Disorders Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

On 12/27/16 I was faxed 26 pages of the initial evaluations and treatment plans, from the Lighthouse, speech, physically therapy and counseling all provided reports. On 12/28/16 I met Ms. Ostrander at the Hearing Life appointment. She was referred there for the left ear tinnitus she has had since the accident. She reports that the constant ringing in her left ear is causing her to not be able to focus and concentrate on what is being said to her. She had a hearing test. Ms. Curler, the hearing specialist spent time explaining the inner, middle and outer ear. The Hearing specialist told her that there are limited ways to treat tinnitus. 1. You can live with it and ignore it, 2. You can try and mask it with a hearing aide. After the hearing …show more content…

Ostrander. I had called to remind her that she has an appointment with Dr. Hettle on 1/9/17. She said she cancelled that appointment 2 weeks ago. I explained he is the ordering physician for her services at the Lighthouse. I explained I was not sure where they were at with this current order and that her services may stop without one. She said she is going to a new medical provider. Her first appointment under her own insurance is on 1/25/17. She said if her orders run out then, she would try and private pay for the services. I explained to Ms. Ostrander, that there must be an order for the Lighthouse to work under. She said then she would address it with her new provider when she sees her for an auto appointment after the 25th. I asked her if she was willing to attend one more appointment with Dr. Hettle just to get updated orders, she reply no, and she has already cancelled the appointment. I have contacted the Lighthouse. I spoke with Kera. She is going to see where the providers are at in regards to orders. She knows counseling wants her to continue to attend twice weekly appointment for another 1 to 2 months. I also followed up with The Hearing Life, and was told the provider broke her ankle and as soon as she is able the report will be

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