
Mental Health Intolerance

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Mental Health Intolerance on the Rise In today’s society, people with mental health problems are belittled by those who either choose to ignore their conditions or fail to understand them. Individuals with mental health issues constantly ask themselves: Am I crazy? For many, this question is solely based on the reality that the people around them are frequently ridiculing their behavior. Disregarding a significant problem someone has makes it worse by depreciating mental health patients instead of getting them the help they need. If those with mental health disorders are constantly being told their thoughts are irrational, they likely won’t seek out support. Mental health care is already at a shortage due to a very small amount of doctors …show more content…

Mental health disorders are harder to diagnose in children and teens, but they often leave a lasting effect if not treated properly. The website says that seventy percent of children do not recieve clincial treatment or intervention for a mental disorder. More times than not, mental health issues in adolescents are labeled by simply having inferior or sluggish attitudes. However, the same criteria can be described for an adult who suffers from a mental disorder such as anxiety or depression. As reported by, one in ten young people (aged 5-16) suffer from a diagnosable psychological disorder, which averages to about three children in every school class. If continually disregarded, mental health problems in children can lead to poor academic performance, school dropout, strained family relationships, substance abuse, engaging in risky sexual behavior, and involvement in criminal …show more content…

To that statement, I say this: Tell the war veteran who suffers from PTSD and depression to “get over it”. As stated by, on average, eighteen to twenty-two veterans commit suicide each day. Tell the LGBTQ boy who is mocked and hated solely for his sexuality and gender identification to “get over it”. The National Alliance on Mental Illness website also reports that LGBTQ individuals are two or more times likely to have a psychological health condition and commit suicide than a straight person. A human with a mental health condition can’t exactly “get over it” because it isn’t something that goes away at will. Mental health conditions are a combination of biological and psychological factors that lead to these alarming and unpredictable

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