
Mental Health Research Paper

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Importance of Mental Health When selecting my topic I tried to think of something i’m good at, a sport, a certain subject in school, or even my place of employment. Only one thing came to my mind that has affected me over the past few years and that has been mental illness. I’m very dedicated to removing the negative connotation on mental illness, by talking openly about it. In order to remove the stigma on mental illness it is very important to view it like you would if someone had a physical injury, don’t view it as an embarrassment or a weakness, and that patience is the key when talking to someone suffering from a mental illness. Mental illness is just about as serious, if not more serious than any other medical illness. The difference …show more content…

You can visibly see when someone has some sort of physical issue, like a broken bone, but you can never tell when someone is mentally in pain. This is why it’s very important for mental illness to be accepted by the public and talked about in our everyday lives. Talking about it openly should become a normality. “One in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Around 450 million people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide. (“World Health Report 2001 Press Kit.” WHO, World Health Organization,” This may not affect everyone and disrupt their lives, but it has been a very impactful factor in my life. I’ve lost some good friends to mental illness and one last year to suicide, which is why I think it’s very important to not stigmatize people who are suffering from one whether it’s depression, anxiety, bipolar, ocd, or schizophrenia. It’s important not shame someone because they are mentally sick, because it could make them resist seeking help. Be someone they can confide in when

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