
Mental Health Screening Controversy

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Most parents take their kids for a physical at a pediatrician to check whether or not he or she is healthy before they go to school. Some parents also vaccinate their child before school starts to prevent them from getting sick but do parents ever get their child evaluated for mental health illnesses? Mental health screening has become a big controversy in the United States especially since not even one state is providing high-end services for mental health illness in schools. Mental health screening is a key part for every child because 50% of chronic mental health conditions begin by age 14 and 75% begin at the age of 25. Mental health screening allows for early identification of the problem and it also helps by getting that significant …show more content…

Between 2013 and 2016 records show that there were at least 160 if not more shootings across only 38 states. Many people do not think they need help, but they actually do and when services are offered to those children in need, some parents are still reluctant to have their child take them. School districts in South Florida require children as young as kindergartners to fill out a short questionnaire to help evaluate their mental status while in other schools like in Minnesota student answer questions about drug use and depression. However, the number of students being screened for mental health problems has dropped significantly over the past few years. In Olympia, 21,000 students were screened for substance abuse and mental health screening, but that number dropped to about 7500 in 2012 due to lack of funding and parents not wanting their children screened. The main reason why parents don’t want their child evaluated is because they fear that their child will be over evaluated and put on medication that has harmful side effects. Other reasons also include societal factors, in some areas and culture being diagnosed with a mental health illness is considered to be a bad thing. Even in school some kids with these illnesses are considered “retarded” and called other very insulting names, being bullied in school only worsens these adolescents mental conditions even more and end up going into depression or even worse, they end up committing

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