
Annotated Bibliography

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE 1)F.Scott Christopher and Tiffani S. Kisler(2012)surveyed mental health issues faced by women who experienced intimate partner violence.339 college women were surveyed and analysis showed that verbal aggression and minor and major physical violence overlapped.Experiences of sexual assault and minor physical violence also co-occurred.Women who experienced verbal and physical abuse but not sexual violence showed symptoms of hostility,anxiety,and depression and those who experienced sexual abuse displayed signs of depression. 2) Tiffani N.Orne(2012) studied coping styles used by maltreated children as related to risk and temperamental factors.Questionnaires were completed by social workers in Virginia on 5 children and adolescents.A Child Behaviour Checklist(CBCL) and Emotionality Activity Sociability(EAS) scales were used to assess the temperament of the children.It was assessed that children with high levels of emotionality showed more behavior problems and might need intervention sooner than others. 3)Christina L. Boisseaua, Shirley Yen,John C. Markowitz,Carlos M.Grilo et al did a longitudinal study to identify characteristics that differentiate multiple suicide attempters from single attempters in people who suffered from personality disorders and depression.431 people participated from july 1996 to june 2008.Suicide attempts were assessed with a follow up evaluation at 6 and 12 months and then yearly through 10 years.21% of participants attempted

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