
Mental Isolation In Gothic Literature

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When one is isolated in a civilization from the rest of society nobody benefits from the outcome. Like when the religious reform movements of the early 19th century caused communal backlash resulting from the isolation these movements had created. In the same way, the authors of these pieces of gothic literature use a variety of gothic elements such as psychological events, bizarre aspects, and loss of innocence to convey the overarching theme that mental isolation produces negative social results. Firstly, in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs and “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe, these authors reveal how a character's isolation impacts their outside world through the use of psychological events. Riggs …show more content…

In Riggs novel when Jacob “saw a face that seemed to have been transplanted directly from the nightmares of [his] childhood” (Riggs 37) he gets permanently disconnected from the society around him. The reader discovers this from Jacobs frequent visits the a psychologist and his abnormal mental conditions. His innocence in a mental sense was holding him together and when this innocence was lost in the woods that night so was his social well being. Not only does this directly impact his social life but also the lives of the people that are close to him such as his parents. In Faulkner’s short story he also mentions the negative impact a loss of innocence can have when he speaks of Miss Emily's life. He shows how “after [Emily’s] death she went out very little” (Faulkner 2), to exaggerate one major turning point and loss of innocence during her life. At this point she has lost almost everything that she cared for in life which leads to an even deeper state of isolation with nobody keeping her in check. What comes from this isolation are abnormal reactions to regular social interaction with her boyfriend homer. The strange habit of holding onto dead acquaintances is irregular and likely developed from her mental seclusion over a long period of time. All of these elements of gothic literature work together to convey the causation of peculiar social actions and

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