
Mental Toughness Around The 4 C's Analysis

Decent Essays

As stated earlier by Delice Coffey, “The game of basketball is 90% mental and 10% physical” (Coffey). Knowing that, being mentally tough is a key to success. Spencer Wood expresses, “I always define mental toughness and construct an improvement plan to develop mental toughness around the “4 C’s” – meaning an athlete’s Composure, Concentration, Confidence, and Commitment” (Wood).
The first C is composure and that is the ability to control thoughts and emotions. Having good composure means, “[Players] are not ruled by highs and lows of reactions to adversity, feeling out of control or overwhelmed by an opponent” (Coffey). Even when the game is emotional and very intense players with the best composure will be able to finish the game and be

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