
Mental Wellbeing Research Paper

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Health to me is being completely mentally, physically, and socially well without any type of disease or illness. Health is when one is stable and able to do all basic necessities for oneself. Being able to take control of my own life and understand the good and bad in life and being positive whether the results are negative or positive. It’s being able to maintain control over one’s emotions and behaviour. Mental wellbeing means the standing of a strong mental perspective. Mental wellbeing could mean an individual can cope with their issues and is able to find their potential. It means knowing the hard truth and be able to cope with it with the help of others or yourself. Be able to get to know yourself and trust yourself with the truth of …show more content…

Secondly, past issues start to come back like feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Having lost my mom when I was seven years old has been the cause of my anxiety. When I was young it was much worse, but having a strong support system at home has decreased it significantly. Meeting with a counsellor had helped a lot, finding a secure place first to show emotions and be comfortable with one person then moving on to explaining those feelings to my family was very helpful. It was necessary for me to have a secure and comfortable place to share my feelings so I could explain how I felt without holding back. The anxiety that I felt now is easier to control and overcome. Knowing I have a past with anxiety helps me maintain my wellbeing and how to move forward with it. Maintaining my health and mental wellbeing by eating healthy, exercising as much as I can weekly, and staying away from drugs that would increase my anxiety issues. Also, having someone that I can tell how I feel and explain my feelings with has helped overcome and control my anxiety. Understanding how to control and keep up with my mental wellness I can help others learn to control and understand what mental wellness

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