
Mentalization : The Negative Theory Of The Mentalizing Theory

Decent Essays

Mentalizing is a broad concept (cite). There are various theoretical constructs similar to mentalizing, such as Empathy (), Mindfulness (), Perspective-Taking (), Theory of Mind (), and so forth. Along with the constructs, related questionnaires have also been developed to measure these similar but different facets of mentalizing. Nevertheless, the measures based on Mentalizing Theory might be particularly suitable for clinical purposes because the theoretical framework is comprehensive and integrated with aspects of normal development, pathology, and treatment. In the developmental theoretical model, mentalizing is considered as a dynamic process. An individual’s mentalizing ability can fluctuate in different contexts () and under different emotional arousal levels (). The dynamic characteristic is especially crucial in understanding psychopathology and its treatment, but it also makes the task of developing a RF measure more complex. The key to overcome this difficulty could still be found in the theory. The common ground among the mentalizing theorists points out some possible ways to assess RF. From their point of view, mentalizing is a developmental achievement. Certain social cognitive functions that underpin interpersonal interaction are critical in understanding many serious psychological disorders (). The more mature secondary functions (), such as affect-regulation (), self-agency (or self-representation), flexible coping strategies (), and integrated thinking

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