Last year, I was a technology coach at Sherman Oaks Elementary. I conducted professional development regarding different technology tools to our staff. I also met with different grade levels, and individual teachers to draft lesson plans incorporating technology to enhance and revolutionized student learning. I have presented workshops at our Sherman Oaks University in English and Spanish to educate parents in regards to their child’s educational journey. I include topics that parents are interested in, and want to learn more about. I have also reached out and partnered up with organizations like the Bascom Library and Sacred Heart to serve the families in my school. I have been part of several focus groups. I worked with a district representative
As an experienced writer and copyeditor at a well known publishing company for 6 years my expertise will meet your departments needs and wants. As a Production Coordinator and Content Project Manager at Cengage Learning, coordinating revisions was one of my main job priorities. Attending team meetings for each book I worked on, going through revisions and drafts with my fellow team members and sending notes to the author on a regular basis on changes and updates that needed to be made. This was done on a weekly and bi-weekly basis depending on deadlines that needed to be met on our timeline. Organization and attention to detail is one of many strengths that I possess and is a critical attribute to doing my job. There is a lot of material
As an aspiring Educator, I strongly believe that having an assigned mentor for new teachers would be a significant benefit to the newly hired educators and the students in the classroom. Teaching is not an easy position and requires plenty of hard work and dedication in the classroom. A mentor would definitely enhance a new teacher’s experience by providing support, building morale and assisting with academic support for students in the classroom.
In the Navy and Marine Corps providing feedback and counseling to Sailors and Marines is a critical skill that every leader must possess. For this assignment, I was tasked with providing counseling and guidance to a struggling 3/C Midshipmen in my company on how they could improve in meeting the standards with regards to morally, mentally, and physically. For the counseling, I chose 3/C Burns who was struggling academically with a D at six weeks in Thermodynamics, a major course in his matrix. With this Midshipman struggling to meet the mission mentally, I was keen on attacking the issue before it developed into a major problem by providing advice, counseling, and a personal story of being in his place before.
Student M has been attending mentoring program consistently this month. Student M has been working very hard to improve both her Math and English grade by seeking mentoring support on a regular basis. After speaking with Mr. Fernandez, he has communicated how proud of his daughter he was as he notices a great difference in her attitude towards school. Student M has also expressed great interest in joining the future project dream team if she gets accepted into High School for Health Careers and Sciences at the George Washington High School Campus. Student M will continue to attend mentoring program as well as continue seeking educational support.
After completing a year with FYE in AIS and UPM, I've learned a lot, not only as a peer mentor, but as a leader on campus. I feel like I can better connect with freshmen student through the experiences I've had so far. For example, dealing with students that are shy during meetings, don't come to class, are struggling academically, and even those who are doing well and just need tips on their next steps! This summer term, I want to utilize the things I've learned, but also continue to grow as a peer mentor, so I can be even better for the incoming Class of 2022 in the fall semester.
I am an incoming international student this Fall 2016 at Princeton Theological seminary, but since my Master of Divinity days I have been actively serving as part of the leadership team of the AAR-SBL Women’s Caucus for the past three years. Since 2013, I have been involved in planning the Women’s Caucus sessions for the AAR-SBL annual conferences as well as prepare the minutes of our monthly leadership meetings and annual business meetings. I am a recent member of AAR, but I have been participating in the past four years at the AAR-SBL annual meetings and mostly found myself engaged more with AAR people. My membership at SBL since 2012 was due to its international coalition initiatives. At last year’s AAR-SBL annual conference, I successfully
I will set up a plan to talk to each of my professor at least three times during the semester. I think talk to the professor could make me more confident in the class, and point out my weak point and guide me on the right track of studying. The earlier I know where my problem is, the more time I can spend on improving. It’s more effective than figure things out by myself. I think talking to the professor will also give me motivation to get good grades on the class. Knowing there is a connection between the professor and me, and knowing the professor have expectation on me will motivate me to work hard.
I have observed that each student is treated on a student to student basis. Some students within the class have access to instructional assistants as they do their work, whether it’s a day treatment teacher, a student teacher, or myself. For example, I am normally instructed to help one student in particular as we work on assignments and worksheets within the class. This shows that the teacher is aware that the student may need help understanding some of the material and may need personal support throughout the day. Not only do some students receive support from other instructors, but also some students may have accessed to modified assignments to help them further understand. Mr. Conway understands that not all students can learn in the same way and it is important to have different alternatives available to his students. By doing this, the students tend to be more willing to try to understand the topic in one of the two or three ways since
I had a meeting with Darin on Friday, March 11 to present him the following document which outlined the feedback received from Child Welfare Program Managers and my own observations as his administrator. After meeting with HR earlier in the week it was agreed that a clear plan for Darin going forward was needed and that the credibility and work performance issues needed to be addressed by using the already established letters of expectation and reprimand as a guide. Regrettably, Darin was not responsive to the coaching and opportunity to discuss resetting the future FCO role, but instead was accusatory, demeaning and questioned my personal credibility and integrity. This is not the first time he has done so – Naomi was present for
Mentoring is the process of guiding or coaching less experienced individuals, especially in areas requiring adequate skills and hands-on capabilities. In some practice, the word mentorship is being used as a professional relationship between a mentor (a person or a group, who are directly assigned to provide specific information or knowledge regarding specific field of interest) and a mentee (the one requiring guidance and mentoring). The practice of mentoring has been used for a long time that its essence has been an important part of employee development especially in the field of management. Considering that mentoring is based mostly on informal relationship between a mentor and a mentee, the process is mostly based on type of communication which most of the time is transferred informally as the situation requires. In the process of mentoring, the mentor and the mentee undergo a certain relationship that makes mentoring important. It is also during this stage wherein mentorship can be seen effective or not.
In September of 2016 I was made aware of the Peer Mentorship program and my high school and immediately knew that I wanted to become a mentor as being able to help others has also been a desire of mine. I have since been tutoring a handful of my peers in math, biology, chemistry and physics at all high school levels. While I don't have an undeviating schedule, I typically have a few sessions (anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour) per week. My experience as a mentor up until now has given me an increased level of consciousness regarding the intricacy, significance, and benefits of teaching others. Being presented with the opportunity to teach others has prompted me to amplify my communicative skills. I have also gained self-confidence. Being
I have a confession, I love being an educator almost as much as I love being a community-engaged public health scientist. There is this happiness that comes from knowing that that research I contribute impacts health and there is joy that comes from knowing that my students will one day serve the greater community. As a child, I played school often with my stuffed animals trying to mimic my favorite teachers as well as my mother who was a high school teacher. Fast forward to adulthood and my first experience teaching at the college level occurred when I was a doctoral student. That experience changed my approach to inspiring students to learn using the research as a primer to motivate students into discussions about changing their communities. The purpose of this essay is to share reflection from two different experiences
As part of my introduction, I would like to mention that my research project is about mentoring where I have chosen ‘questioning’ as my strategy. In this report, I will discuss in detail about my ‘Mentoring through Questioning’, which is a key for my research project report. Here, I will cover the project’s context in which it was set, my aims and focus of the project, my justification on why I have chosen mentoring through questioning and the types of questions being used during this project, in support of the relevant literature. And then eventually, I will mention about the interactive sessions between a mentor and mentee, the reflection or the perspectives, specifying the self-analysis as well as the required feedback from mentee as part of the research strategy. Later, I will conclude this report by mentioning about the effectiveness of mentoring sessions and the future actions planned for my skills development.
Yesterday, I was not feeling well and had an upset stomach so I was unable to come in to work. It was an exhausting Monday to say the least and I would not have been able to work or be productive. I am not 100% today but I am going to make sure that does not show and that I remain ready to work. Today, started out with a staff meeting where agenda items were discussed such as changes in the website and go over things that happened during the month. In the meeting a short presentation was given on becoming a mentor at MD Anderson. There are only 300 mentors for 21,000 employees so there is a huge gap to fill. Vikki and her coworker are looking to have 100 mentors by the end of August sign up. After the meeting Cathy asked me to send her a list of all of the events and things I have done. I think she needed it in order to complete the mid-term
When you search for information on Round Lake Area School District 116’s mentor/induction plan you come up empty and that is because there is currently no mentor plan. They do have a five day new teacher orientation that provides new teachers information on what is going on in the district; curriculum, school improvement plans, and the opportunity to meet with administrators that are in the building that they work at. In this essay I will discuss key things that I think should be incorporated into the new mentor program.