
Mercantilism Compare And Contrast

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Mercantilism: The British had an empire of it’s own to run. To keep their economy healthy and running well they used a system called mercantilism. Mercantilism was a very popular method at this time in history. Basically the British colonies made all of the money for it’s mother country. Mercantilism is an economic system whereby the government intervenes in the economic for the purpose of increasing the national wealth. They had restrictions put on everything that they did. They had restrictions on who they could trade with, what goods they could produce, and taxed about everything that they bought. This made the colonists angry and sense the distance from them to Britain was so far they did not follow many of the rules. This led to …show more content…

The northern colonies based their politics based mostly off religion. They wanted their laws and values to be in the same line and in place with God’s. The northern colonies were concerned with making a society based off of God’s word and principles. The southern colonies were more concerned with the economic standpoint of politics rather than the religious religious part. They ran their colonies and made their laws based on what was going to benefit them the most economically. Overall, the many differences in these cultures has shaped America into what it is today. Without the differences that the colonies had our nation would not be as diverse and successful as it is right now. When you have two cultures that are very diverse that come together and that are able to share ideas and become one nation it makes your nation unstoppable. In the United States we were able to do this with the northern and southern colonies and now our country is one of the strongest countries in the …show more content…

The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt that America made at trying to establish a national government after the Declaration of Independence was signed. The Articles of a Confederation had a Unicameral legislature called congress. The members of Congress were between two and seven members per each state. In voting, to get something approved you need one vote per each state. All the members were appointed by state legislators. The term for each of the legislators in office only lasted one year. The term limit for the legislative office was no more than three of every six years. Congress was paid by the states, and if they were not in commission a committee of the states had full power of the congress. The Articles of Confederation did not work because they did not give enough power to Congress. Since the United States has just got out from under the wings of the British they feared a strong National Government that oversees all. They wanted more power for the states, but that caused more problems than it

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