
Meriwether Lewis Suicide

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Meriwether Lewis, a man who alongside with William Clark led an expedition that shaped America today. He found lots of new species of plants and animals, charted new land, and explored the infamous Mississippi river. Friends with the second American president John Adams, superb marksman, and beloved explorer Lewis was well known and had a positive reputation. Well on October 11th 1809 Meriwether Lewis was officially reported dead. It was quickly assumed a suicide, because of his alleged money issues with the government and a mental disorder that many doctors still debate over today. This was not a suicide it was without a doubt murder, the perfect crime, committed by a master manipulator. Meriwether Lewis was known as an expert marksman …show more content…

It has to be someone traveling with him, because they knew he changed routes. Also it has to be someone who knows about Lewis’ dept and depression, because they knew that it would be easy to pin this as a suicide. This person also needs to have a motive obousily other than money because Lewis was certainly out of it. Lastly this person had to be in the government to be able to make sure there account of where they were was credible, but not so high in the government that after the fact of the murder their information could be easily traced. That leaves no other person then Major James Nelly , who which you will see is without a doubt the murderer . James knew of Lewis’ whereabouts on this fateful night and took advantage of the fact that they were pretty far out in the country so there are not neighbors close enough to hear gun shots. James was a part of the Chicksaw Agency so he used his line of work in the government to validate his credibility but knew when push came to shove the chicksaw agency was not really as important so as long as he remainded low for the rest of his life he could be invisible for eternity. Let me tell you James did a fantastic job at being invisible for a historical figure. I literally searched for two days through any records I could get my hands on from Chicksaw agency records to wikipieada pages and world books and all I could find on him was a tomb stone. That was only with the help of my history teacher. So no information no motive right ? Wrong, the motive that made James kill Lewis was actually the biggest evidence proving the suicide theory. Mrs.Ginder claims that she was with Lewis when he died. She explains he crawls out of his room asking for water. He also tells the boy servant he has killed himself. Her story makes no sense right? A man who has a bullet hole in his brain crawls

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