
Mesopotamia And Egypt Similarities

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Through 8000-600 BCE., civilization began to rise and make a name for themselves. Once the neolithic revolution arrived, nomadic people turned sedentary. Innovations, cultural diffusion, domesticating of plants and animals, irrigation, and such forth became highly important. They even determined the power and wealth of civilizations. Mesopotamia and Egypt were the leading civilization that held immense power, wealth due to their innovations. However, they both had their own ways of gaining wealth, along with caring for resources they had that promised the well-being of the people. Therefore, Mesopotamia and Egypt have many differences, yet many similarities. By 7000 BCE, around the time when the neolithic revolution occurred, innovations …show more content…

Cities in ancient Egypt were too, planted near water sources. The longest river in the world, The Nile River, provided nutrients toward crops the ancient Egyptians would sow. Unlike the Euphrates and the Tigris, the Nile River was very predictable, if a supposive flood would occur in the river, it would never be enough to destroy homes and lives. But only gives more nutrient to crops. This help Egypts economy, and well-beings of its inhabitants. In respect with religion, Egypt too was polytheistic however, in its early state the Pharaoh ( ruler of Egypt) were considered literally the child of the god, Ra. Therefore a Pharaoh would claim to be able to let the Nile rise to water crops, making the people believe that he/she she be the ruler. However if the Pharaoh has not risen the Nile, this can cause a uprising of the people who would overthrow him/her, due to them starving and dying because of the lack of food. For example, Pepi II was a result of incest, causing him not to be the brightest. He believed he controlled the Nile’s activity. However due to his claim, he was overthrown due to climate change, which resulted in the Nile not rising. This was the end of the Old Kingdom (2,575-2,134 BCE) due to it being filled of incest and the Nile not rising. In contrast to Mesopotamia, the Lugals were not responsible for flooding, nor did they practice incest. Also, Egypt once went monotheistic when Akhenaten declared that everyone …show more content…

The reason they share many similarities was due to how they had figured out what being near water can do to improve their society. This helped in growing the population and improving with trade with food. Plus, more crops equal more development. The Mesopotamians had to drain their rivers because, of it condition. However the Nile did not need to be drained. Also pictorial writings was the easiest form of communication at that time. Cuneiform and hieroglyphic appeared around the same time period, developing better ways of communication, law making and storytelling. Also, the type worship was very similar. However, because both civilization were far apart and one was more isolated than the other, there are differences. For example, the way they view rulers. Egyptians saw their rulers as gods that controlled the nile. But rather than viewing their Lugals as gods, the Mesopotamians viewed them as strong men who had great power and that they were messengers of the gods. Great structures like, pyramids and ziggurats were used for different purposes. Pyramids were the tombs of past Pharaohs. But ziggurats were used for worship, and had terraces that represented levels of getting closer to the

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