
Mesopotamia Research Paper

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Mesopotamia was a civilization that started approximately 3200 b.c. and ended around 539 b.c. The reason why they called the civilization “Mesopotamia”, was because Mesopotamia means “the land between the rivers”. The world's first civilization developed in southeastern Mesopotamia,in a region called Sumer. Mesopotamia is located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This area was part of the Fertile Crescent, which stretches from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea to the Persian Gulf.
The economic set-up of Mesopotamia centered primarily around trading and farming. Being between the Tigris and Euphrates river really helped with the farming side. The people of Mesopotamia made a very organized irrigation system from the two rivers …show more content…

Mesopotamians were polytheistic, worshiping in many gods. These gods were thought to control every aspect of life, especially the forces of nature. They built these things called ziggurats. A ziggurat was a large stepped temple. They thought that the ziggurats were dedicated to each god or goddess. The people of Mesopotamia alse believed in the afterlife. In their belief, all people lived after death in a grim underworld from which there was no release.
Mesopotamia government was set-up as a hereditary rule and theocracy . Theocracy means the government is led around their religion and beliefs. The hereditary rule means that the power passes from father to son(with one family.) The king or ruler was responsible for maintaining city walls and irrigation systems. The ruler also collected taxes, enforced laws, and led armies into war. The king was also seen as like a priest. He was like a chief servant of the gods and led ceremonies meant to please the gods.
Mesopotamia had a lot of achievements. There most famous achievements are cuneiform, system of pictograms, mathematics, astronomy, and Epic of Gilgamesh. Cuneiform is one of their greatest achievements. Cuneiform is a system of writing that used wedged-shaped marks. Another big achievement is the system of pictograms. Pictograms is a pictorial symbol for word or phrase. Those two achievements were mainly the most important because that's how they

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