
Mesotheliom A Case Study

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As with most types of cancers, the treatment for mesothelioma can vary widely and is dependent on the staging and subtype of the cancer, as well as the general health of the patient. Most commonly, treatment will consist of a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Surgery is most useful to patients with the earliest stages of mesothelioma. When the cancer is localized to a single area, it can be removed much easier and there's only a small chance of the cancer spreading in the aftermath of the procedure. The majority of surgeries are preformed for patients whose diagnosis falls within the Stage I to Stage III range, although surgery becomes progressively more difficult as the cancer develops.

For pleural mesothelioma, there are three surgical options: Extrapleural pneumectomy (EPP), pleurectomy/decortication (P/D), and debulking. These surgeries differ in how extensive they are but the goal of all three surgeries is to remove the pleural lining and the surrounding structures that have been affected by the cancer or are at immediately risk of being affected. …show more content…

A second surgical option for peritoneal mesothelioma is an omentectomy. This is performed if the cancer has begun to spread within the abdomen, which is common with this sub-type of mesothelioma, and involves the removal of the fatty tissue layer that drapes down over the the internal

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