
Methyl Alcohol Should Be Illegal

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Methyl Alcohol is a toxic, colorless, flammable liquid alcohol. CH3OH is the chemical formula for it. Originally from the distillation of wood but now oxidizing methane. In 1923 German chemists had figured out how to make a synthetic methyl alcohol called methanol. They put carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen into an industrial pressure cooker and superheated it to more than 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Methyl Alcohol isn’t a poison like cyanide. It didn't make you violently sick then kill you. A lethal undiluted dose is little as two teaspoons for a child, and a quarter cup for a man. A more average amount leads to blindness then coma and soon death. Methyl (wood) alcohol is not easily broken down by the body. The enzymes in human livers struggle with methyl. As a result, the poison lingers …show more content…

The latest round of alcohol on the streets was not filtered well, so with the poisonous government added impurities and methyl alcohol still contaminating the drink, it was lethal. Two days later twenty-three of them were dead. I think this is a very sad reading about poisons. The doing was directly a result of the decisions by a government that is supposed to protect us. I understand the situation would have been a hard one to solve, but it seemed with every decision made to try to fix it, the problem just got worse. The sickly patients hallucinated, vomited, and were blinded by the wood alcohol. In hospitals there was even a special unit called the alcoholic ward, specialized much like the way burn units are today. Many people like Wayne Wheeler (general counsel of the Anti-Saloon League of America) thought it was crazy that the fact that “these so-called victims had violated the law, and deserve no sympathy for their illegal and idiotic behavior”. The next day the Treasury department announced that it had decided to require the formulas be doubled

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