
Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Decent Essays

For this assignment, I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. This museum has many magnificent pieces of art from all over the world. It also offers many programs for students of all ages and for all different types of educational experiences. There are many ideas and ways that a trip to this museum can be incorporated in a global history classroom. The Metropolitan Museum of Art offers many programs for students from Kindergarten to High School. The museum offers courses for students and adults that study and examine art in different time periods. They are taught by specialists and each sessions examines a specific geographic area. They also offer workshops for teens that allow them to be involved in the curriculum by …show more content…

The Metropolitan Museum of Art displays a beautiful display of Ancient Egyptian art. I can use differentiated instruction while allowing my students to analyze art from different time periods. As a teacher I can try to incorporate a field trip to this museum as it will be beneficial for all types of learners. A field trip to this museum would be great for middle school and high school students. Before the trip, I can provide my students with information about the time period in which we are studying. This may include a power point and reading from our class textbook. I can also show a video which gives insight to the time period and art. I can also provide them with a list of key terms to understand that will help them during our museum trip. I would also provide a list of questions that can serve as a guide during our visit to the museum. Visiting the museum will be beneficial to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. For auditory learners there are guided tours where you can listen to information about the artwork as well as read the information on the piece of artwork. For visual learners viewing and analyzing the art can help them learn about the time period. It will also benefit kinesthetic learners who get a hands on approach to learning more about a time period. I would ask all students to take notes on the trip and write down the names of the art they were most impressed

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